Friday, May 04, 2007

Its Real.

Oh my gosh... I miss you so much.
There - I said it. Its in the universe.
I'm facing it...its real.
Yes. I miss you so much.
Its (this reality) not a moment.
It is not a phase.
Its real.
There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of you.

I don’t know if the above can be categorized as poetry - lol…
Hell – I’ll be the first to admit that I’m not a “Black Blogger Poet Laureate” like these guys…

J.A.C. - I Order You To....Experience it(Read it)
Eclectik - Dime Lines II....Experience it(Read it)

**we are not worthy** (your work is the truth)

FYI: J. CROFT (Webster) Definition of "Black Blogger Poet Laureate": 3. A poet acclaimed as the most excellent or most representative of a locality or group aka bloggers…

Anyway, the above is how I felt…and gosh – do I feel so much better now that I’ve gotten that out into the universe…Golden Girl inspired me to just get it out...

For so many years - I never thought that I had been in love.
I always questioned it (my love or the feeling)…regularly.
Relationship after relationship, I questioned it…

I mean, looking back (12 years – damn that’s a long time) I know I loved my daughter's father (and oh gosh…what a B.U.M. he was and still turned out to be) lol, but I know for sure that I wasn't in love with him. I even knew back then...(isn't that crazy? and to think - I stayed all that time)...

Hell, now that I'm older and all “grown-up” - I realize that my relationship with him was based on fear, dependence and the concept of familiarity.

To be continued…got a meeting to go to…damn!

Oh! Before I go – I coined that term "Black Blogger Poet Laureate"…so I want credit when you use it…LMBO!!!


jendayi said...

You're in love!!!!!!!!!!!! What a great feeling! Especially if it's for the first time. How sweet JCroft. I'm so happy for you. =)

Thanks for the shout out lady.

It is What It Is... said...

Yes I am...however, we aren't together anymore...That's why I need to finish the To be

Ms.Honey said...

First time by...

Funny how we know what we know but sometimes it takes years for it to all come out.

Darlene McDaniel said...

I wanted to say hello! Interesting blog you have here. I especially like the name. It gives me pause to think - "It is what it is..." I am going through some things and your title fits my circumstances. Thanks for visiting
I look forward to hearing from you again.


Darlene McDaniel said...

I put the wrong domain in my comment. the correct one is changed the domain recently!

Be Blessed!

T.a.c.D said...

yea you know i know this feeling