Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Why is it so peezy all the time Beyonce'??? Why???

WHY is BEYONCE's HAIR Always a gott-damn mess?? SOMEBODY please tell me WHY?????? WHY???

How can you make millions of dollars and not afford to at least keep a Olive Oil Relaxer Kit (SUPER) on stand-by at all times????

Don't get me wrong. I love my natural sisters.

And I'm not saying that its anything wrong with wearing your hair in its natural state. I myself haven't had a relaxer in almost 11 months. But BEYONCE!! Come on! If you're going to wear your hair in a relaxed state with weaves and lace fronts...at least comb it...or keep it up. Flat Iron it or something. Somebody needs to take a straigtening comb to her hair quick!
SHE looks a Hott Azz Mess. PERIOD.


Anonymous said...

you are off the chain Jess! That was hilarious.

jendayi said...


It is What It Is... said...

She is a complete H.A.M.

Anonymous said...

Chaka and Diana's weave is a mess but looks better than hers!!!

T.a.c.D said...


Anonymous said...

Sit the hell down Beyonce' with that damn bird's nest. That stuff is a mess...as usual.

dreamyj said...

LOL! I completely agree with you! She has too much money to be looking like that!

matt williams said...

I agree 100%. I pic of her real hair on my blog.

Beebi said...

I think you're a hater. She looking good and you know it. She got more money in the bank and you know it. She waaaaaaayy better then you and you know it....so yup, ur a hater. Hater. Lol. The girl doesn't have to be glamorous every day of the week, give her a break, hater

Anonymous said...

I agree with Barbara. You're jealous. When you do the hair and weaves, the ones thath don't just get jealeous. It's the truth.

Anonymous said...

lets be sensible now her hair doesnt always look like this 99.9 percent of the time her hair is fly

Anonymous said...

well it is her hair..let her be

Anonymous said...

We can all sit in judgement about one another. Truth of the matter is, Beyonce is just as human as we care. She (and her stylist) take chances and try new hair styles. If we wanna judge her you have to first look in the mirror. Im sure your 200 dollar hair may be half YOUR check but its play money for her, meaning, your hair wont ever knock like hers. Hate is contagious..dont spread it. Thanks

Anonymous said...


Nicole said...

lace fronts is geat