Thursday, May 24, 2007

I'm all over the place today (A.D.D. Moment)...Can you keep up?

My Money is so funny right now. If you feel me, Holla Back! I mean really, I can’t be the only one out here feeling that way. What’s really good?

Who knew I’d be spending $150-160 a week in gas alone? I mean its like you almost have to get a part-time job just to cover expenses for gas now.

It’s the worst when people think they know you or have you figured out, but they really don’t.

I thank God for the people who really know me. But wait a minute, That is so much more important than the latter sentence! Geeze! Get it together.

For the past 16 WEEKS my entire life has been hi-jacked by my daughter’s extra-curricular activities, etc. (Ballet, Jazz, Tap, Hip-Hop, School, Piano, etc., etc., etc.)

Where in the hell is her father? I mean really? Why is it that every time I call and ask him to help out, I get “Well I’m out of town this weekend” – But for real though, who does that? What person with children is able to do that or would want to do that? Especially if you’re not taking them with you?

Here’s your answer: A DEAD BEAT…

I know its hard. Its what I chose. The hand I knew I would be dealt. But sometimes I feel like I can’t do it. No, let’s be real, sometimes I don’t want to do it. Some Saturdays, I'm sleep walking...Sometimes I feel like I don’t have it in me. But I find it. I press...

And I believe and know that all things work…. (you finish it)

I have some real strong sister-friends & women in my life right now. I’m so proud of them. I feel like we’re changing the world right in our own circle. I’m so proud to know them and to be a part of the work. Together we are changing OUR world, one life at a time.

What’s wrong with being ghetto or hood?
Its one of the most important things that I give credit to my father for doing in my life. Keepin' me linked to my peoples and my family in the hood, Even when my uppity Momma didn't like it. I love the fact that I’m hood and educated.

I dated a guy once that didn’t like it when I got home from work and spoke what he called “e-bonics.” He didn’t particularly care for my family in the hood or that side of me either. Of course you know I got rid of his boring azz…...

Anyway, I love that I'm street...I love that I think quick on my feet, and that I'm hood smart, I love the fact that I can fight fair AND dirty when I have to (lol). I love the idea that I smell a fraud or "fake-one" a mile away. In my humble opinion, a sister that's fine, hood and educated is a triple threat.

T.C. – I can’t wait for your post. Get it together please. Rika, you’re gonna love it.

Stay Hood,



Anonymous said...

That was one of your best posts to date. It was all over the damn damn ADD...just so you. I LOVED IT!!!!

I feel you on most of those things and your post is so real because that's how our lives really are, all over the damn place. You have so much going on in your mind, even when you claim you don't or don't want to believe you do, that you be all over the damn place.

I am so sure that most people can relate in some way.

*sigh* A breath of fresh air. What a great, so real, so HOOD, so "special", so gutta, so funny, so sad, so ADD post.

Keep, keeping it real "your way". Love ya!!!!

T.a.c.D said...

the post is coming...i lov this lov lov lov it!

African girl, American world said...

hi, you visited one of my blogs. Love it here. The blog I'm most at is

It is What It Is... said...

@ rika - Thanks R.M. - I'm so briz-zoke. HA!

@ T.C. - I just read it.

@ African Girl - thanks for stopping through...

jendayi said...

reading this reminded me of something tyler perry wrote. "that's a black woman's motto. we don't always what we want to do, but we always do what we have to do." selah is lucky to have you.

Anonymous said...

Girl you are telling it like a true souja!! I come from the city of the sly wicked and the slick and you need hood knowledge to survive. LOL, Keep It Hood Ya'll

Nikita T. Mitchell said...

starting to read a bit more about this so-called-father of your child. I just want to say that I admire you. I admire all mothers but I have a soft spot in my heart for those of you who do it "alone." I quote b/c you may still have emotional support and whatnot but it's still not the same without a partner to help you through. I grew up with both parents and I now realize how much they sacrificed together for me. So I applaud you. Keep pressin!