Thursday, March 29, 2007

What I've Learned....

I haven’t been able to blog lately – I’ve been so busy, new jobs, new projects, etc. But honestly, I haven’t really had anything to say for a couple of weeks until today. I was inspired by spam email today…LOL

I'm so tired of getting the spam emails that always say - I've learned, this or I've learned that...

I thought that I'd come up with my own version of it...Because I'm paying attention for the double-0-7 you know? I'm trying to change for the better...and I realized that I’ve learned a lot lately….So here we go:

I’ve learned that getting in an accident and totaling your brand new car can ruin your life. LMAO!!!

Ok Seriously – here is what I really learned….

I've learned that as I get older, my periods get worse, the cramps are worse, the attitude sucks and I be come a bitch on wheels...literally.

I've learned that I'm crazy and deranged at least 6 to 10 days before I get my period (cycle for those of you who are 35 and over) hahaha

I've learned that if I want to be in a relationship, or get married - I have to get my PMS symptoms under control or I might end up murdering my boyfriend or husband...That's my word too. LMAO

I've learned that people (b*tches a.k.a. friends) always want you to listen and give advice for their problems but sometimes, they really don't feel like hearing yours ( I know - cause I'm one of those people)

I've learned that if you love or really like somebody - they instantly become cute. You could be dating a guy that looks a hott azz mess, but if you like him hunie - to you, he's the finest thing walking the streets.... (Thanks TC for that one girl) LOL

I've learned that I'm an expert in the art of procrastination

I've learned that I'm addicted to shopping and I either need an intervention or counseling. I've also REALIZED that I have too many clothes and I need a "closet makeover."

I've learned that being in ANY type of relationship (friendship, marriage, boyfriend/girlfriend, etc.) is something that takes work. You have to work hard at maintaining it and keeping it every day.

I've learned that I eat too much and I'm greedy.

I've also learned that if I continue to do so, I'll eventually develop high blood pressure and diabetes like the majority of the people in my family.

I've learned that I am not looking forward to turning 30 years old. (EEW)

I've learned that following and living out your dreams is far more important than anything. EVEN MONEY.

I am still LEARNING that its ok to be vulnerable, hurt and rejected. I'm still learning this. I'm also learning that FEELING vulnerable, hurt and rejected is not a sign of weakness.

I’m learning that its ok to love someone first…even if they don’t know it, love you back, acknowledge it or accept it. I learned that I shouldn’t love someone to get it back…I should love because it is a God given right.

I've learned that the measure and worth of a friendship is SOOO not based on the amount of time or years you've known a friend.

I've learned that a friend I had for 5 years has more love and respect for me than the ones I had for 20....

Straight from the heart,


K.C. said...

"I’m learning that its ok to love someone first…even if they don’t know it, love you back, acknowledge it or accept it."...i friggin lightbulb just went off in my head girl. Thanks for that one!

T.a.c.D said...

Man you really poured yourself into this one...and I can say I am truly LOVING it...TRULY...I jus wanted you to know that you are not loving by are some things that I too have learned since the beginning of 2007...

"I've also REALIZED that I have too many clothes and I need a "closet makeover." I've learned that being in ANY type of relationship (friendship, marriage, boyfriend/girlfriend, etc.) is something that takes work. You have to work hard at maintaining it and keeping it every day. I've learned that I eat too much and I'm greedy...I am still LEARNING that its ok to be vulnerable, hurt and rejected. I'm still learning this. I'm also learning that FEELING vulnerable, hurt and rejected is not a sign of weakness.... should love because it is a God given right. I've learned that the measure and worth of a friendship is SOOO not based on the amount of time or years you've known a friend. I've learned that a friend I had for 5 years has more love and respect for me than the ones I had for 20.... "

Just keep growing and learning sis...we are in this together...HELLO!